If we all can buy from AliExpress, why doesn't everybody just shop there directly?

If we all can buy from AliExpress, why doesn't everybody just shop there directly?

1. Many people don't know about AliExpress
2. Ali isn't the most user friendly marketplace. There are thousands of repeat listings. It is easy to get overwhelmed.
3. ebay is a US site. Ali is Chinese. Some people have ""issues"" buying from Chinese sites due to fear of giving over information to Chinese companies... To me this is quite ridiculous. Our credit cards and PayPal have great protection.
4. Dealing with customer service that barely speaks English (both Ali and the sellers themselves) and I have made hundreds of Ali orders without issue. And when I do have an issue, they immediately reship or refund.
5. Some people only want to order from US warehouses. Even those who know Ali are unaware that they have warehouses in the US and other locales (for a sizable minority of their products).