I am having a problem with my Groovepages. The features aren't working as in the videos. What should I do?
You can and should contact Groove support. But before doing so, you should download a browser extension to Toggle Off all your other extensions which may be interfering with Groove's functioanlity.
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There's no plugin yet for WP nor is there a blogging platform. Groove will have GrooveBlog at some point in the future and once they do, we will cover this in the training.
Can Jason please provide examples of videos he's done on YouTube, Facebook...?
These are the examples Jason mentions in section 6 of the training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXaEO4SbB3E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G40GE5vukvk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFZebfqwRes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMt4IQ7ra74
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It may be that you're in preview mode. Some features don't seem to show in there. Try publishing the page as shown in the training. It might also be how you entered the YouTube video info in the block settings. You need to put last part of the YT ...