How can I track leads/clicks/traffic from multiple sources or campaigns?

How can I track leads/clicks/traffic from multiple sources or campaigns?

1) Sign into your affiliate dashboard
2) Link Generator 
3) Scroll down and click "Create Ad"
4) Name: EXAMPLE - FBADFebruary2021 (no spaces)
5) Description FB Ad February 2021 (you can use the same thing)
6) Save
7) Scroll down to Generate Link
8) Who's driving traffic? Select your name
9) Choose which link you're going to be tracking
10) Which ad am I using to drive traffic? FB Ad February 2021 (This can be used for any source you want, there are no set parameters)
11) Generate Link (The link can be used anywhere you want, any traffic that's driven will go to the same exact landing page)
12) Link Tracking Stats - you will now be able to see all the stats for the link you just created 

You can do this for as many links as you want.